If there can be a grade
below “F” in economy management and general administration Modi deserves to be
awarded that grade for ruining Indian economy, general administration and above
all peace and harmony among different sections of the society. Modi inherited
the economy when it was on a upswing and oil prices were sliding down. His predecessor PM Singh steered the economy
through the difficult Great Recession that practically bankrupted the world
economy in 2008. Under him India made a commendable comeback averaging a GDP growth
rate of 8.2 per cent (2004-014) despite steeply rising crude oil prices. Modi
is still below this at 7.2 % average with few months left of his 5 years term.
That too after changing the base year for GDP calculation to 2010-11 from
2004-05 -- the benchmark used under PM Singh. If previous bench mark is used
for Modi than GDP growth rate will come down to below 5% and if Modi benchmark
is used for Singh; than growth rate will be 10.4% under PM Singh!
has become a laughing stock around the world because Modi is in perpetual
election mode blurring rhetoric’s and no actions along with promoting
Savarkar/Golwalkar’s understanding of religion to divide India. Truth,
facts, reality, data, problems, challenges, genuine issues have become
meaningless for Modi. Some of the world renowned
economist has ranked his government probably the worst ever in governance
standards for his mindless demonetization
to rob the poor, ill planned GST implementation with over 213 amendments in its
first year, negligible to no recoveries by banks under NPA aka Bad Loans that
has gone up to USD 135.6 Billion under Modi from USD 27 Billion in 2014,
Aadhaar execution and foreign policy etc.
portfolio investors have withdrawn over USD 7.1 Billion
in the first quarter of 2018-19. Under
Modi Rupee that was 63.38 to a 1 USD in 2014 as of Oct 31, 2018 was trading at
74.02 to 1 USD; a whopping 16% devaluation. 52 per cent of India’s Foreign Exchange reserves are short-term
foreign currency debt maturing this fiscal year which makes India highly
vulnerable, especially when US Fed is raising interest rates to cool down the
US economy from over heating and inflation.
Modi with his
mismanagement of economy and administration has brought the biggest insult and
miseries to Indians with India now ranking 103rd out of 119 countries on the Global
Hunger Index 2018. In 2014 India used to rank 55th on GHI. India stood 103rd on the Global Hunger Index along with
Nigeria and has been categorized as a country with ‘serious’ levels of hunger.
The World Bank released
its first report on Human Capital Index (HCI) on Oct. 18, 2018, which placed
India at the 115th position, lower than Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and
Bangladesh. The report ranked 157
economies on parameters like child mortality, health and education. Singapore
topped the list after it was highly rated for its universal healthcare system,
education exams results and life expectancy figures, followed by South Korea,
Japan, Hong Kong and Finland.
Oxfam survey showed that that the share of the wealth of the richest 1% persons
had increased to 73% this year. According to the survey, India’s poorest saw
their wealth rising by one percent during the same period. This monstrous income inequality has attained and even exceeded
levels prevailing during the British Raj is the tragedy of an India under
Billionaire Raj. In
2014 when Modi came to power the share of the 1% richest persons was 49%. A 25% gain for the wealthy in 4 years of Viceroy
Modi of Billionaire’s Raj!
On the
other hand under Singh, India lifted a miraculous 271 million out of poverty establishing irrevocably that “inclusive
growth model”, is the most suitable option for India. Under Modi rule only his
Crony Capitalist and Religious Gurus turned Crony Capitalist friends; their net
worth has grown from 100% to 200%. None
of these industrialist or Religious Gurus have ever invented any thing; they
have become rich by getting free access to PSU Banks aka public money, natural
resources like oil, gas, minerals including land belonging to Indians and by exploiting
or getting changed the trade & commerce policies to their advantage by
bribing the politicians across the aisle.
to a report by Centre for Sustainable
Employment of the Azim Premji University; "The current
rate of unemployment is the highest seen in India in the last 20
years." This shortage of jobs is compounded by depressed wages, with 82%
of men and 92% of women earning less than Rs 10,000 per month. The report also
notes that the growth in GDP hasn't resulted in a commensurate increase in
A 10% increase in GDP now results in less than 1% increase
in employment," says the study. "Nationally, 67% of households
reported monthly earnings of up to Rs 10,000 in 2015. In comparison, the
minimum salary recommended by the Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) is Rs
18,000 per month. This suggests that a large majority of Indians are not being
paid what may be termed a living wage, and it explains the intense hunger for
government jobs," the report observes. Worryingly, it adds that 90% of
industries even in the organized manufacturing sector "pay wages below the
CPC minimum. The situation is worse in the unorganized sector".
According to Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE),
there are currently nearly 31 million unemployed Indians looking for jobs. CMIE
is a board that tracks business and economic data .. of the
5 states with highest unemployment rates in descending order
are; Tripura 39.1%, Chattisgarh 22.2%, Haryana 17.6%, Chandigarh 15%, Himachal
14% and all 5 are ruled by BJP.
5 states with lowest unemployment rates in ascending order are;
Telangana 0.4%, Karnataka 0.8%, Tamilnadu 1.9%, Uttrakhand 2.4%, Puduchery
3.5%, except Uttrakhand that is ruled by BJP, rest 4 are ruled by opposition
According to mathematician Anand Kumar, founder of Super 30 educational programme for the underprivileged; "In India, there is a huge craving for education, but quality education is not accessible to all of them. There is no dearth of talent in India, but equal opportunities in terms of quality education and modern-day requirements often eluded a large number of students.” But for Modi with dubious educational record of his own, hardly educated ministers and the states ruled by his party BJP; “Education is not on their priority list.” Only Kerala ruled by left front and Delhi ruled by AAP in India had made “Education” a priority under their governance. Modi can spend almost a USD 1 Billion on 2 statues of Sardar Patel & Shivaji but not on Education!
In the name of education he can grant $135 Million, subsidized land and “Institute of Eminence” status to yet to be born Jio Institute of his friend Mukesh Amabani a crony Capitalist that has grown from $19 billion to $43 Billion in net worth under Modi. Funniest part is Ambani group companies have no experience or expertise in the field of Education. Their experience is in how to get easy money/funding and natural wealth like oil wells, spectrum, land, mining rights etc. and defense contracts at terms favoring to them not to the owners the “Indian Public”.
While inaugurating Sardar Patel' 182 met. high statue in Oct 2018 Modi claimed; he is the one who initiated this project of highest statue in the world as CM of Gujarat! There was a time in India the height of Bhakra Dam 226 met inaugurated by first PM Jawaharlal Nehru became the symbol of prosperity, progress and better future for Indians. Shame on Modi & other mentally deranged BJP leaders that thinks statues are the sign of prosperity, progress and better future for Indians that are majority poor.
Patel’s statue has become a symbol of apathy and neglect towards the poor of India in the entire world because of Modi’s wrong priorities. A British MP made a statement if India has money for Statues than they should not be given any aid! ‘According to UK Mail, in the 56 months it took to build Patel’s statue, India received £1.17 Billion in financial aid for social programs from UK Taxpayers. Tory MP Peter Bone said: ‘To take £1.17 billion in aid from us and then at the same time spend £330million on a statue is a total nonsense and it is the sort of thing that drives people mad. ‘What it proves is that we should not be giving money to India. It is up to them how they spend their money but if they can afford this statue, then it is clearly a country we should not need to be giving aid to.’
Team Modi is spreading lies and misinformation for last 41/2 years by using peoples money through ads in India’s morbid media: They have been shouting from the roof tops in India and the world arena that “India has superseded China as the world’s fastest growing economy. The fact is in 2017 India’s GDP was $2.59 Trillion and China’s $12.24 Trillion that is almost 5 times the Indian GDP. Per Capita GDP for China is $8,827.00 and for India it is $1,940.00 that is almost 1/5 of China. India’s Military spending was $63.9 billion and China spent $228 billion almost 4 times than India. For India to take over China’s per capita GDP, the Indian economy needs to grow more than 30 percent annually. At the present rate of 6.1% at which Indian economy is growing it will take more than 125 years for India to match China’s success story. (Ashok Swain professor of Peace & Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Sweden)
Under Modi is heading for the biggest humanitarian crisis: Modi’s moral
police is more concerned with the length of a
prominent celebrity women’s skirt or cleavage exposure or cows being transported
or beef being consumed or love-Jihad or anti-Romeo squads than the lack of
healthcare for the poor, modern education and employment opportunities for the
youth or the unabated farmer suicides or rampant unemployment. The worst is cow
transporters and beef eaters can be lynched to death by cow vigilantes with
impunity from the government. The people’s courts dispensing instant justice
without a trial and lynch mobs carry out the execution. Modi was described by Katrina Lantos-Swett, vice-chair of the influential US
Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) as the "poster child for India's failure to
punish the violent". Cow
protection has taken higher precedence over the right to life of humans. More
precious resources are being directed for unproductive cow sheds, money to feed
them, hospitals and ambulances than for the basic health care facilities for
poor human beings. They don’t even get transportation for their dead loved ones
from the hospitals.
Earlier, India was
compared with modernizing countries like China, but today India is being
bracketed with regressive Islamic fundamentalist regimes. India’s international
image on being democratic, secular and scientific has been seriously dented.
Modi himself gave examples of Karan and Ganesh to support the claim that
cosmetic surgery and genetic science existed in India thousands of years ago.
The first head transplant that of Lord Ganesh was done in India!
An analysis of 198 countries by the Pew Research Center finds India is the
fourth-worst country in the world for religious intolerance and violence. Only
three countries - Syria, Nigeria and Iraq - are before India in this
name-and-shame list, and even Pakistan fares much better than India on this
front, being in the tenth position.
According to a very
prominent economist, former High Commissioner to UK, journalist, author, human
rights activist and former BJP Federal
Minister Arun Shorie; current problems in India reflects “The Gujarat Model.” No Cabinet functions there and no cabinet
functions here. The state legislature was reduced to impotence and irrelevance.
The Parliament has been reduced to impotence and irrelevance. The judiciary was
subordinated there and judiciary has been subordinated here. The Agencies and
Police forces were made into Private Forces and Private Armies. That has been
done here. It is exactly “The Gujarat
He further added that Modi
invoke God and says it is God who has willed in whatever he is doing citing
“Higher Purpose”. If any body gets hurt, if any institution suffered upon or
country is being torn apart; it is done for “Higher Purpose”. Modi has become
the Agent of God!.
All the above points to that Indian’s
have been let down again by its
morbid media, economist, intellectuals, religious, business & political
leaders across the aisle. Whatever little integrity was left of them under
Congress; that has been reduced to Zero rather negative under Modi. Barring a
few dozen journalist, intellectuals, economist, religious & political
leaders; the millions from the privileged class that could have spoken against
the Modi’s atrocious regime either have been bribed to keep quiet rather to
praise Modi government and some have chosen to keep quite under the extreme
fear created by Modi supporters that any criticism of Modi regime is
Modi regime is
propagating, encouraging and protecting misguided Hindus to impose their
personal Hindutva beliefs on other Hindus as well as on non-Hindus. Some of
their beliefs are indefensibly hateful and insulting, and do not concur with
It is a lesson for Indian voters as
well as other voters around the world that they can not vote for development only if
it does not include tolerance, human
rights, healthy debates on important issues like education, healthcare, employment,
inclusive economics and progressive politics. Unfortunately Indians voted for
Modi for his exclusive promise of development in 2014 that even after his 41/2
years of rule is no where to be seen rather country is facing a grim reality of
biggest humanitarian crisis in the near future because of extreme poverty,
massive unemployment, lack of healthcare, intolerance, fewer economic &
education opportunities for majority of the population.
Compiled by
Devendra Makkar
From the writing of eminent
scholars, historians & journalist
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